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Audio Dr Ravi And Mr Hyde


Date:4/9/02 3:39:28 AM Eastern Daylight TimeFrom:in...@recording.orgReply-to:Brown...@aol.comTo:Brown...@aol.comPrivate Message NotificationSubject: Hi Jaybigtree just sent you (Jay Kahrs) a Private Message at Pro Talk, pro audioforums.You are being notified because you have instructed us to send you anotification each time someone sends you a private message. You can disablethis automatic notification in your profile settings on the board.Here is the message sent by bigtree:--------------------------------------------------Jay, please calm down. This site has always been a pinacle of great advicewithout the weirdness, but in the last few days it's gotten very weird. ( acomment from a member)I see you've read the rules. I trust you understand them and we don't need toenforce them. Member don't appreciate this. I think it makes us look childishto argue and be petty with guys in a public forum, especially those with anonline presence like some here. i don't think we want to come across as beinginflammatory. . It's bad for all of us.peace.--------------------------------------------------Great, sounds like he's chilling out and the whole thing will be dropped right?Very wrong. At 4:30 when I tried to login to the site I got this message;----------FYI Sorry, either your membership has not yet been approved or the boardadministrators have removed your ability to post to this board. We cannot allowyou to modify your profile at this time as a result. Please use your browser's back button to return. -----Whoo Hooo!!! I've been banned. You know what? I'm fucking happy about it. Ifanyone else wants to hang there have fun and be careful. Apparently even thoughthe site is supposed to be "the real thing" with "no BS" and "no censorship" itseems like there's a double standard. And to think all I wanted was the answersto some questions. Well, if anyone wants me you know how to find me. Chris, if you read this, goodluck buddy. Something tells me you'll need it in the future. ----Jay KahrsOwner - Chief EngineerMad Moose Recording Inc.East Rutherford, NJ is what the studios that aren't up to par call it.Demanding is what the studios that are up to par call it.

audio Dr Ravi and Mr Hyde

Between the clumsy interface, the spam, and the condescending attempts to raidthis newsgroup I wrote off a long time ago. Of course, they'restill sending me e-mails, most recently regarding their ridiculous suggestion toactually charge money. Well I can get all the misinformation I need right herefor free. And if that doesn't satisfy me, then I might take that $24 and go buysomebody a beer in person and have a real conversation.Sorry Jules, I had forgotten you have a forum over there. Come back, come back .. . . (psst, I finally discovered the true cause of Protools' audio deficiencies,. . . . but I can only tell you here)Rick KrizmanKrizManic Music

> >. . . (psst, I finally discovered the true cause of Protools' audio> >deficiencies,> >. . . . but I can only tell you here)>> Well, come on tell us. I even joined the DUC to read that crap. Start a new> thread!>

...I don't think many realize the entire circumstances. First off,Chris has led us to believe that he has lost his job because If he indeed has lost his job because of that (which Idon't believe for one minute), then that is the gamble he has taken.It was his own choices that he made, just like we all make our ownchoices. I for one have extensive websites. How many hours a week do Ispend maintaining our site? 3 hours maximum, sometimes zero. So why isChris doodling on RO for 40+ hours a week when it is a gamble ofwhether money will come in from it? Anyone who runs or has run astudio (or any business for that matter) knows that until your hobbybecomes a paying job, you never let it interfere with what puts foodon your table. Is this common sense, and should we be made to feelguilty or be punished for it? I personally don't think so, butstatistically YMMV.Chris has lied to me and to Jay more than once, and he feels thatthings should be settled in private. If you want to know what I amtalking about, email Jay or I. I give Jay permission to tell all thefacts of my side of the story in public or private, whatever he feelsis best. Handling issues in private is fine and is usually thepreferred method, but the way things are settled in private with Chrisis that he is right and you are wrong, end of compromise,no logic; just sheer emotional & financial blackmail. He has adistinct pattern that I have personally seen twice, and through thestories of others multiple times now. Chris has banned Jay and I (andsome others now) for asking questions that he will not answer eitherin public or in private. Locking threads, then unlocking them.Deleting threads that posed questions to him about why he is acting incertain ways or performing certain actions. He wants to charge moneyfor RO and have the members have "equal share". But this is basicallyat the expense of being not allowed to ask when, where, or why.Chris has every right in the world to play however he wants to in hislittle sandbox. He created it, he made the rules (accordingly, thanksto me as seen in print on RO), so he can do whatever he wants. But,given the right that he has, so I and others have the right to informthe other members (and prospective & now former members) to what is going truly happening, as well as the generalrecording community. It may be Chris' sandbox, but the engineering/proaudio playground belongs to each and every one of us here and on everyother forum. Chris, you have truly lost two members (and some veryimportant others that I am not sure who, Jay knows for sure) that gavelegitamicy and practical knowledge 'from the trenches' for the largenumbers of newbies that come to your group that rely on people withknowledge to answer their questions.According to you, the only value my posts gave *equalled* trolling.According to the RO "rules" Trolling "involves posting on-topic butinflammatory statements to single newsgroups in order to createdissension". Search my posts (if they are there still, and Chris hasnot erased them to help eliminate proof), and tell me if any of myposts were trolling before Jan 27, 2002(which is the last time Iposted). So what Chris has essentially done is burned some bridgesthat would take a serious amount of effort to rebuild. I know youthink this is Nathan and Jay against you Chris, but I feel this ismore than that on so many levels. It's about some principalities thatI view as being important. It's about having the balls to not stickyour head in the sand until the storm passes over.Best Regards,Nathan EldredAtlas Pro Audio, Inc. (Jay Kahrs) wrote in message news:...

> anymore. A few other people got the axe too. Chris apparently lost his mind and> has decided to start charging $24 a year for memberships after loosing his day> job to "put time into making the site the best it can be" and started a thread> on the subject. When I asked him some questions and was told to "chill out" and> was then ignored I got a little (ok, a lot) pissed and wrote an open letter in> a new thread. After he responded and I asked him why he didn't answer my> questions he got pissed and locked the thread. Then when he reopened it I asked> him why he did that, what was he was trying to cover up and why he's being> two-faced (I have email from other parties, the boy's a regular Dr. Jeckyl &> Mr. Hyde) and I got the following response in my email;> > Date:4/9/02 3:39:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time>>>> > Private Message Notification> > Subject: Hi Jay> > bigtree just sent you (Jay Kahrs) a Private Message at Pro Talk, pro audio> forums.> > You are being notified because you have instructed us to send you a> notification each time someone sends you a private message. You can disable> this automatic notification in your profile settings on the board.> > Here is the message sent by bigtree:> > --------------------------------------------------> > Jay, please calm down. This site has always been a pinacle of great advice> without the weirdness, but in the last few days it's gotten very weird. ( a> comment from a member)> > I see you've read the rules. I trust you understand them and we don't need to> enforce them. Member don't appreciate this. I think it makes us look childish> to argue and be petty with guys in a public forum, especially those with an> online presence like some here. i don't think we want to come across as being> inflammatory. . It's bad for all of us.> > peace.> --------------------------------------------------> > Great, sounds like he's chilling out and the whole thing will be dropped right?> Very wrong. At 4:30 when I tried to login to the site I got this message;> > ----------> FYI > Sorry, either your membership has not yet been approved or the board> administrators have removed your ability to post to this board. We cannot allow> you to modify your profile at this time as a result. > > Please use your browser's back button to return. > -----> > Whoo Hooo!!! I've been banned. You know what? I'm fucking happy about it. If> anyone else wants to hang there have fun and be careful. Apparently even though> the site is supposed to be "the real thing" with "no BS" and "no censorship" it> seems like there's a double standard. And to think all I wanted was the answers> to some questions. > > Well, if anyone wants me you know how to find me. Chris, if you read this, good> luck buddy. Something tells me you'll need it in the future. 2ff7e9595c


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