This is an introduction to the life and letters of Rumi (1207-1273), the great poet of Islamic mysticism and probably the most prolific mystic of all times. His students later developed into the Order of Whirling Dervishes and deeply influenced art and music in the Ottoman Empire. The book is written for the general audience by the late Prof Annemarie Schimmel (Harvard), who was thoroughly acquainted with Rumi's more than 4000 poems and his equally thick collection of rhymed stories (the Mathnavi). Scholars may want to refer to a more scholarly work, but the book is an excellent introduction for whoever wants to obtain basic information about the great master.
Dear reader in 2055, crystal-ball gazing is a foolhardy pursuit. Today, there are countless local and regional projects afoot, both in the UK and elsewhere, aiming to promote mutual understanding and respect, and complementing these are a smattering of key political initiatives on the international stage.9 But the one thing, perhaps above all else, that offers me hope for the world fifty years hence is the increasing and now global interest in the life and works of Rumi.10 For such is the stature of the man, and the universality of his message, that he can I believe, even today, serve as the elusive bridge between the Orient and Occident.11 In death, just as in life, he continues to remind us that we can and must find other ways:
I Am Wind You Are Fire The Life And Work Of Rumi Pdf Download
The Burning Bowl ceremony is a kind of fire ceremony that has been used in various traditions for a number of years. The Reiki Burning Bowl ceremony involves using Reiki while writing the negative conditions that you would like to release from your life on a piece of paper, then burning the paper in the bowl, which turns your prayers to smoke and sends them to the Creator on the Reiki Bridge of Light. The purpose of the ceremony is to release old patterns, beliefs or experiences, or anything that impedes you from realizing your true self. By sending the old unwanted conditions up to the Creator in the smoke, you clear the way for beginnings. The second part is to focus your attention on what you would like to create in your life, write those intentions on paper, burn that paper, and send your prayers to the Creator to manifest them. 2ff7e9595c